On Saturday March 14, 2020, Carroll Creek Kinetic Art Promenade (CCKAP) made history in Frederick, Maryland and successfully installed in the middle of Carroll Creek three kinetic sculptures!
It takes a village, and that village of Volunteers and Partners was in full display and action!
It was an ideal sunny day with minimal wind, and we were supported by a very attentive and cheerful crowd!
You can get a glimpse of the event and the artwork by viewing a few pictures on our Gallery page (2020 Installation) at https://carrollcreekkineticart.org/gallery/
More pictures and a video will be communicated later.
Many thanks to our various crews for making the day a memorable one!
City of Frederick Crew
Bob Smith, Scott Geasey, Tom Rippeon, George Shankle, Chip Stitley, Frank and others who prepared the site for the installation (lowered the creek water level, removed promenade benches, street bollards, and lamp post sign).
Crane Crew
Brock Gregory and his associate Steve of Big Hook Crane who maneuvered the heavy duty pyramids (underwater bases) and kinetic sculptures with remarkable dexterity! Thanks to CCKAP Partner Morgan-Keller Construction for making that possible!
Engineering Crew
The Canam Group for its assistance in engineering and detailing the pyramids. Thanks to Marcel Dutil, Chairman of the Board, and to Serge Moreau, Engineering Manager!
Fabrication Crew
EDCO for fabricating and donating the three pyramids. Thanks to Bill Harding, Co-Owner, and Kenny Kober, Technical Leader!
Ground Crew
Rotarian Darrell Guyton and associate Delbert Needy of Morgan-Keller Construction, Rotarians Mike Pilch and Tim Pierce who expertly guided the flow of materials!
Transportation Crew
Rotarian Greg Brown along with his associate Jim Smariga and their truck driver from CCKAP Partner Waynesboro Construction who transported the three heavy-duty pyramids to the site!
Video Crew
Rotarian expert broadcaster Steve Bamonti and his friend Casey Morin who filmed and captured still shots for several hours and from all possible angles!
Water Crew
Chris Barbot and John Donofry, along with Rotarians Neil Fay, Bernard Gouin and Jim Reinsch who guided the crane operator with the pyramids and kinetic sculptures and leveled them all!
Welding Crew
Citizen extraordinaire Thom Beckley who spontaneously dispatched a mobile welding unit to assist one artisan with a structural issue!
What a team!
The artwork of three talented regional artisans will now be displayed until early November, namely: “An Elusive Kinetic Portrait” created by Margot de Messières & Tsetso Naydenov and sponsored by The Ausherman Family Foundation, “Three Little Birds” created by Erin Aylor and sponsored by Ann & Ric Adams, and “Tree of Life” created by Thomas Sterner and sponsored by The Fredericktowne Group at Morgan Stanley.
Bernard Gouin
Chair, Carroll Creek Kinetic Art Promenade
On behalf of the Executive Committee
(Neil Fay, Bernard Gouin, Mike Pilch, Catherine Randazzo, Jim Reinsch, Linda Roth)