Carroll Creek Kinetic Art Promenade is a natural evolution in the Rotary Club of Carroll Creek‘s mission to serve the Downtown Frederick community.
Founded in 2012 by two dedicated community-conscious Frederick residents, Dr Pete Kremers and
Lisa Collins, Color on the Creek is
a not-for-profit organization, which aims at solving the algae problem
by positioning aquatic plants
along Carroll Creek.
Since 2013, the Rotary Club
of Carroll Creek has supported
Color on the Creek through countless volunteer hours planting, trimming, and cleaning aquatic plants.
In 2016, stemming from the effort of Dr Pete Kremers and local craftsman extraordinaire Kyle Thomas, Color on the Creek introduced Sailing through the Winter Solstice with the vision that renovated holiday-decorated sailboats would illuminate and beautify Carroll Creek during the winter season. Well, when winter comes every year, so do the boats!
Since 2017, the Rotary Club of Carroll Creek has participated in Sailing through the Winter Solstice with its own renovated sailboat shown above, Carroll Creek Clipper, and through volunteer hours has helped launch and remove other sailboats from the creek. 2024 will see a new creation in the water.
Pursuing the tradition of Color on
the Creek and Sailing through the
Winter Solstice, Carroll Creek
Kinetic Art Promenade is a not-for-profit privately-funded project
initiated and managed by the
Rotary Club of Carroll Creek.
During eight months in 2020, Carroll Creek Kinetic Art Promenade has displayed three kinetic art sculptures on a pilot basis in the mid segment of Carroll Creek.
Carroll Creek Kinetic Art Promenade now displays eight kinetic art sculptures year-around in the segment of Carroll Creek located east of East Street, Downtown Frederick.
Pictured Above: Three Kinetic Sculptures in Carroll Creek
All kinetic sculpture designs submitted by a team of sponsor and artisan are reviewed internally by our Artistic Review Committee before they are presented to the City of Frederick’s Public Art Commission (art content) and Parks & Recreation Commission (display location) for final approvals.
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“People who get involved with the success of something have to be given at least some share of that success.”
—Michael Ironside